Wednesday 29 September 2010


Mid table finishes in all competitions is a little disappointing for the side two points short of promotion to division one of the Championship and Twenty20 semi-finalists in 2009. Northamptonshire are suffering from the same complaint as a number of other county sides; simply floating, with no real sustained progress or real points of purpose. The Wantage Road side will have been looking to build on last season, but have failed to do so. Indeed had they attained those extra two points and competed in the top tier it is highly likely they would now be contemplating whether relegation could have been avoided. That may be a pessimistic prognosis and the greater onus could have spurred them on, although that does seem unlikely.

Northants have, however developed a growing commitment to young players and largely shed the label of a club dependent on overseas aid and 'Kolpak' cricketers. Perhaps youth can reinvigorate the team as it starts the slow process building a side for the future.

Top of the Order - Stephen Peters

Peters continues to be a constantly reliable presence with the bat. Tipped for great things with a century on first class debut at only 17 he has not received the recognition he looked destined to achieve. Nevertheless Peters remains a class act and it is not by accident that he notched up a hugely impressive 1,296 runs at 48. By far the most successful batsman at Wantage Road, Peters simply had no support. South African all rounder Andrew Hall did his best to lead from the front with 696 runs, but failure from the top six meant this was largely to no avail.

Best Bowling - Jack Brookes

The Oxford born seamer, instantly recognisable by an interesting choice in head bands, has made a good impact since a rather expensive debut against the Australian tourists last July. Perhaps not destined for international honours Brookes has shown promise with 34 scalps and has every chance to become an established, reliable county cricketer.

Star Player - Stephen Peters

Largely carrying his side throughout the season Peters was able to notch up a career best 199 opening the innings at Lord's in June. He will look to continue the fine form next summer, as will Northamptionshire as greater support is sought.

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